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object of desire

object of desire

something sexy got delivered to me today.


the crazy dreams continue.

this morning i woke from a dream where i was being grilled by some asshole investment bankers in the top of somewhere like the gherkin, along the lines of... 

"yeah i know you're a 'big' photographer and all, but i mean what have you done that we would know? what's you're USP?"
i turn on them with venom in my eyes and say sincerely 'I SHIT RAINBOWS'

friday morning at the farm feels like a saturday.
i am confused
perhaps is residual confusion from the dreams?

goto canterbury with mrs.perou

then loiter at farm

billy upgrades the firmware on the SSD on my macbook pro: hopefully it'll stop crashing daily.

collect sons from school and take them to their swimming lessons

DTT with sons

just as we are about to cross kingsland road at a pedestrian crossing (on a green light for pedestrians and a red light for traffic) a cyclist slams past us narrowly avoiding a four-way wipeout.

'DICKHEAD!' i shout loudly after him, angrily, not forgetting that i have my boys with me.

the cyclist slowed down and returned, by which point we had crossed the road.

sons stood back looking shocked as daddy suddenly exploded towards the lycra clad man. 
i clearly but firmly explained to the cyclist how racing through red-lights was not acceptable and how he was VERY lucky that he hadn't hit me or my sons.
(anyone hurting my sons would find it very bad for their health)

he had a weird line of verbal defence which started something along the lines of 'do you drive a car?'
'yes' i said 'i drive a car, a motorbike and i cycle and i don't drive through red lights in or on any of them'

he almost apologised, then started telling me i was a F***ing something, at which point i had to grab him and request that he didn't swear in front of my children

later, over dinner at viet grill (sons' first time in a vietnamese: maximum loved it and z tolerated it) we discussed how the cyclist was double stupid: once for racing through the red light and twice for coming back to get into an altercation with me.

played iron man top trumps while we waited for the bill.

RTB to play lego lord of the rings on a screen (cove) 7m wide.