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brinngg brinngg

brinngg brinngg

oh no...my tap's been phoned.

my spanish lady friend is on sick leave

i feel like i'm at the bottom of a big heap of things to do

marginally better than feeling a big bottom, to do a heap of things

charming man, cathal came ova for a quick photo

and we debriefed at shoreditch house after wards.

in recovery from the trendy clothes shoppe opposite where we could barely read the super small print price tag on a pair of sneakers that i liked: £2685

'why are these SO much?' i asked incredulously

'they're lizard skin' the shoppe keeper said.

there were others, which looked identical but that were not made with the skins of lizards that were 'only' £685

why would anyone buy the lizard skin sneakers for 4x the amount of the others…and who would pay this amount of money for sneakers?,  i wondered.

'we've sold two pairs already' said the shoppe keeper

'silly c***ts' i muttered to myself