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give me the lemon meringue pie

give me the lemon meringue pie

give me the lemon meringue pie

give me the lemon meringue pie

jedi mind tricks

another kind of lap dog


i am particularly amused when he's in this position and tries to look up, or lick up

had a good meeting at the langham hotel

with ben pugh and something exciting in CHINA

RTDDK at speed in the corvette, grinning.

had a bad meeting at canterbury kent county hospital
i was expecting to be told i could come off crutches for good.
but i've got ANOTHER 6 weeks on crutches

felt like crying
for a moment, before realising i've got life SO lucky and so good
feeling sorry about this is not ok
just got to get on with it

and i've worked out i can squish my crutches and carry them on my motorbike
so i'll be riding from tomorrow

on crutches but 20kg load bearing this week

25kg next week