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its offical...

its offical...

...i'm a dirty old man

i've given up trying to change this, so i go shopping looking like this: a cross between jack sparrow, a coal miner and a shit, old goth.

i'm too tired to care what people might think

there is a certain kind of dirt that doesn't come off in the shower, no matter how hard you scrub or how much soap you use

après shower, i like to wipe the dirt off on a clean white towel 

i still have soot mascara under my bloodshot eyes

regardless, after today's herculean effort and ANOTHER 5 ton dustcart, i believe we may have broken the back (almost broke our's) of the durty work.

now we can start cleaning and reassembling 

it's strongly possible that someone with more skills than me, may have condemned this house

but for some unknown reason, we feel a strong affinity with the building and have done for years already.

we have always found that the 'right' places for us manifest themselves to us: they are just there waiting for us to find.

after viewing over 50 properties in person, 12 years ago, i walked through the door to the garden of perou farm and said 'we'll have it'

the agent said, 'but you haven't seen inside the house'

'it's ok', i said, 'this is ours' and lucy was certain too.

same to some extent with this new/old house: we agreed to buy the house before we had seen inside it.

admittedly it held more surprises than our last place

but i now feel like the house is grateful to us for taking it on: like a dog from a rescue centre somehow

is it weird to think a house has a beating heart: a person, with character that one can interact with?

is our new/old house a house version of herbie the car?

is it weird that i talk to the house?

have i spent too much time in this house already, trying to rescue it?