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5 ways

5 ways

finished returning the railings back to their original black, in honour of the late king george

resisted the urge to return them to their original, baby blue, pink and pea green circa 'blades' nightclub in the 70's

fitted a fire escape

serviced the butcher's bike (my butcher's bike: not a random butcher's bike) and cycled to tescos for dinner stuffs

took down the pinned up flags and fitted blinds op top floor

pre-production on the (photo/design) workshop i'll be doing in april, with microsoft and adobe
my brief is 'blow people's minds'
no guns
further details as it becomes pubic (sic)

made lemonade 

appealed a parking ticket

enjoyed 'gundelach' new track 'iron' LOUD

btw. there will be new perou.co.uk T-shirts soon 
first since 'stratford squirrel killer' shirts happened in...2004(?)

they will feature mr.bunny, rightly
currently under design: more info to follow when they'll be available