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took sons to the turner contemporary at margate, which opened yesterday.

it was ok.
but i'm glad we didn't have a long journey there: one was not awestruck by the building or the art within.

enjoyed looking at fucked-up, old, empty shops in margate high street more.
LOVE the primark on the seafront...which is actually still doing (some kind of) business.

best bit of the turner contemporary for me (and sons) was the flouro stickers that said 'I AM HERE'

had brunch at minnis bay at paddled about a bit in cold sea water on high tide.

retouched some of the E4 show photos and played playstation with maximum and z: 2 player 'monkey balls'.

feels like summer.
i'm listening to 'smells like teen spirit'
so are my neighbours.

wishing myself back to the mosh pit at camden palace c. 1994

i'm right in the edge of buying another motorbike: something stupid, and very fast.