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special lovers

special lovers

an unusally 'natural' photo from me, of our resident wild swans.

started the sunday with ye olde tesco shoppe, with z, as usual.

listening to loud heavy music: one song at a time, on constant repeat.

z's song of the moment is the foo fighters 'the pretender'
he's currently running around, mock rock screaming '...and who are you? WHO ARE YOU?'

drive sons to the church (hall) for joe's birthday disco party.

'sponge bob square pants' is on and it's time to slip out.
z is now screaming 'who are you?' to the sponge bob square pants song.

take the family to oare, to the three mariners and rendezvous with our friends alex, karl and louie for a delicious lunch.

sons' football is punctured by someone's dog in the pub garden.
the owner offers to pay for a new ball but z says 'it's ok we've got lots more balls at home'.

i try to explain to z he should have said, in tears, 'that was my favourite ball: it was very rare and expensive and my dad who is a heavywieght boxer gave it to me for my birthday...i'm going to tell him what's happened'

back at farm after, we are discussing trade deals in libya, child brides in LA, the state of all media industries, private vs state schools and everything in between.

another lovely day with lovely friends.

mrs.perou is wearing bright blue nail varnish (a gift from alex)
i want some on, but i've got 'proper jobs' this week and it wouldn't be appropriate: boo