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have some self respect

have some self respect

BAN selfie sticks

on the 425 bus (*burnt toast) from victoria park to bow, i was made to feel like a bad person for having mr.bunny with me.

we sat half way along the bus.
mr.bunny sat chained to a pole so he could not move, at all.

the bottle neck of ladies in burkas that would not pass and their children that were screaming because of a dog on a bus, was ridiculous and offensive.
mr.bunny posed NO threat to anyone.
he had absolutely no interest in the people other than wondering why they were screaming at him

then and now, i am having to fight racist feelings towards this apparent bad attitude towards dogs.

spent the evening at the hackney empire for the recording of the john bishop show.

was a good night 
but it was long and hot.

my favourite lines from the night (which i'm sure will be cut) were from a sottish comedian whose said something like: 'if you're one of those people who don't agree with gay rights....please consider killing yourself: we don't need people like you'
and his final words were: 'i'm an atheist because my parents were....educated'

i was first in the hackney empire with bj holmes for a recording of the '291 club' show back in 1991(?)
it was a pretty edgy night (as was hackney in the early 90's)
we featured heavily in the shots of the audience: being the only two white people in it.
crash zoom on the white folk
i wore a black beret.

i was last in the hackney empire for 'mother goose': the christmas panto i did the promo pictures for

after the JB show, went for drinks with the man himself and said hi to some people that had been performing that i've photographed before
hi to my neighbour, in kent, that had been performing that i'd not met before.