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very black friday

very black friday

on a photoshoot, something will ALWAYS go wrong 

but a professional photographer will work round problems and find solutions so there's always a good result.

very occasionally EVERYTHING goes wrong

like today

in the middle of everything going wrong simultaneously, i went outside to take a breath and saw that perou-bike had decided to piss petrol out of, one of, it's petrol caps: inexplicably 

causing the paint to peel off and bubble: tank will need a respray

this might usually cause me some concern but there was so much else going badly that this just added to the list.

we did STILL get a good result but it was a hard day, emotionally (for the crew) and physically (for the actor i was photographing)

i have spent most of friday night frustrated with indian call centre lack-of-customer-support abuse and being rescued by billy helping me with terminal windows: going into the source code on my laptop and rewriting things.

life could be simpler