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dropped perou-bike at jeff and ann-marie's for a winter holiday and an opportunity to stick bits back on that have been falling off over the last few months

had to bump start perou-bike which was a mission in itself: the battery terminal from the starter motor had detached.
and one of the rear indicators fell off, on my way to jeff and ann-marie's
it's a big, loud bike that vibrates like craaazy.

DTT with lucy, sons and dogs

did some xmas shopping at borough market

met auntie emma for skating in front of the natural history museum.

shortly after i stressed the importance of not falling over because there was so much surface water puddled on the ice, i had a spectacular one man crash in which i landed with full force on my bad shoulder maybe breaking a rib and a collar bone and winding myself.

took a tremendous effort not to puke then and there.

sons found it quite hilarious.

i had to retire from the rink, soggy and dizzy.

'there must be a slippery bit just there' i said.

'yes there is: people keep falling over right there', said maximum, '...and it's windy too.'

my accident was an over-confident / speed / no-edges-on-the-cheap-skates, related incident.

had dinner in wet trousers with lucy and sons, emma and ali, nearby in ROCCA

RTB too late to watch 'the young ones' as promised.

instead walked mr.bunny, with maximum walking ludwig, to get milk at sainsbury's local 

then walked dogs by canalside with maximum before bed on heavy meds.