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say hello to my leetle friend

say hello to my leetle friend

latest resident to move in at the bunker

'you is classy man'

left the bunker as the roofers finally arrived to repair our leaky roof.

breakfast at 'breakout': my favourite greasy spoon opposite pentonville prison, where i always eat breakfast when i'm shooting at big sky) 

shot at big sky ALL day because we were shooting 3 large room sets in their largest studio, not due to our leaky roof.

ran into overtime for the first time in 18yrs shooting a print campaign and a little video for a web banner.

a good day shooting for friendly, happy clients

with royston, rich and mike's 4 month old french bulldog puppy, on set for cuddles: like mariah carey, a puppy is now on my rider, always.

RTB to find the roofers had left an invoice for the work but that they had not done it, properly.

trouble with roof

trouble with perou-mobile which has an electrical fault that's draining the battery and we can't work out why/ where.

this was day 1 of a 5 days in a row stretch shooting 3 ad campaigns around europe.

we got busy...