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lucy and sons DTT

took sons to see about climbing up at the castle climbing centre in green lanes

lunch at shoreditch house

mayonaise-gate: maximum threatening to sue SH for putting mayonnaise in his cheeseburger

dropped lucy at cowshed in town and took sons window shopping in hamleys and forbidden planet

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pandemonia and perou

pandemonia and perou

took sons and met up with lucy at the sorapol show at the royal surgeons' college

part of london fashion week

happy to all be sitting front row for a great show.

(thankyou daniel)

z was wearing a rabbit fur jacket and rollerboots.

he was worried about what some people might say about his rabbit fur jacket.

i said, 'look them straight in the eye and say, "it's ok i killed all these rabbits with my own hands then i ate them and this was all that was left"

there were several comments about z and maximum being the coolest kids EVER.

we had invites to go on to the after party at a club but thought perhaps, despite maximum and z being the coolest kids ever, they still don't quite pass for 18

i shot inflatable lady pandemonia back in 2005-ish at a torture garden

(photo: z perou)

when i asked z why he'd featured so much ceiling in this shot, he said 'i'm short'

pandemonia was standing about 6ft 5" high: almost the same height as bibi yesterday