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dog wobble

dog wobble

ever since the pet shops boys wrote a song called 'i want a dog'
which goes something like "i want a dog: a chiuaua. when i get home it's late at night: i want somebody there..."
i have wanted a chiuaua.

and because french bulldogs in the uk aren't the same as french bulldogs in the states, this kind of big eared 'dog' might have to come live with us.


this is 'lisa' 

i love her.
she's warm and fits in yer pocket.



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pointless PR pratts

pointless PR pratts

photo ms.hood (who shouldn't have been in the gent's toilets)

spent the day photographing some young comedy talent, for a fashion story, for a magazine.
there was a clown theme.

which proved 'difficult' for some of the unfunny comedy PR's to get their heads around.
1 PR actually managed to be very impolite to me and incredibly, i managed not to bite his head off or hurt him
i think i was in shock.
it's been a LONG time since someone was rude to me.

there have only been 4 'bad' incidents photographing people over the last 11 years.
i could list them.
sometimes i do.

but increasingly, PR fools are trying their best to interfere with me and mine, in some kind of twisted job validation scheme: