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i see faces...

i see faces...

(better than faeces).
but it's almost an even tie: this being a farm we're surrounded by shit from un-toilet trained animals.

(i recently forbid the feeding of peacocks near the perou-mobile as i'm sick of treading in turd just before going on an automobile journey).

this is the newly papered wall on the stairs.
designer innit.
like a fisheye lens: it's one use only.

blew £178.53 in tescos (food no booze)
very happy to see pepperidge farm cookies here now and only £1 a packet.
(no longer will i have to be filling my suitcase on returning from the states)

played 'battleships' with maximum.
and more star wars lego.

helped z with his 'thomas the tank engine' comic.

had a barney with mrs.perou where she explained that i'm "full of buillshit" (perhaps) and that i'm "anally retentive" (which is a well known fact).

cooked a roast lump of cow on the bone for dinner.

had a strange dream last night: woke up thinking the best thing to do would be to rid myself of all the digital kit and go back to shooting FILM.
has left me feeling quite peculiar all day.