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z the icelandic viking

z the icelandic viking

by perou


it feels soo good to be back at the farm for a couple of days.
(and away from MMASM)

despite my adsl being down, i've still managed to get my emails (just not answer them).
thanks to all the public, of which i am also a member, for the correspondence along the lines of:

"I think it's amusing that the panel sems to think it should be the natural
order of things for you to tell us who to vote for and then for us to pay to
carry out your wishes. You can eff off with that thought"


people really think they know something (anything) after they've seen an edit of reality.
reality tv is unreal.
do you really need that spelt out for you?

i have spent today doing farm-like things and managed a 4 mile walk along the beach with mrs.perou and stratford.

i'm encouraging mrs.perou to write a screenplay called 'photographer's wives'.
i'm sure it's not the same for all wives of photographers but being mrs.perou is undoubtedly more difficult than thought and often goes seemingly under-appreciated.

big props to mrs.perou.
without who, my life would certainly come crashing down.

i often wish i was a better husband, and father...i'm sure my wife and children do too.
i am trying though.

some say 'very trying'.

tomorrow is the live finale of MMASM.
good buy.
good riddance.