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up and over

up and over
went with james to our local shooting ground.
and blew the shit out of many small round flying discs we like to call 'clay pidgeons'.

this was quite therapeutic...

we then returned home at speed (in the r32)
which was also quite therapeutic.

spent the rest of the day doing farmlike things:
planted another 10 hawthorn bushes.
cleaned out the duck house.
mowed some lawns.
fed some chickens.

i've got one day to get straight (tomorrow) before tings kick off again.
it's unusual for me to know one week to the next what i'm doing...but now i've got jobs booked into feb 2007.

always feels weird coming off a tv show because you're living in a bubble while it's going on and the snap back to reality can be hard.
i have made plans to ease my transition this time.

this photo of me by mrs.perou