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poxy perou

poxy perou

photo: mrs.perou

i'm bored of being ill now.
but that's good thing.
before i was too ill to feel anything but ill.

the new drugs mrs.perou got for me from ze doktor ist vorking güt: hydroxyzine knocked me out last night.

the farm is full of people working on various tings: security alarm tweek, two chippies in the new bathroom, two decorators re-papering up a world map in maximum's new room, someone coming to service the tractors, deliveries of wood, grass seed for the paddocks and bathroom bits.

all while i hide in my darkened room looking like a monster...

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i'm not a monster...

i'm not a monster...

all photos of spotty me: mrs.perou

cheerful looking, aren't i?

z's chicken pox hasn't hit him quite so hard, but he still won't be photographed.
whenever we try to take a photo of him spotty he says, 'no, i don't want to be photographed with spots'.
very teenage girl.
very sensitive.
my only consolation in feeling this rough is knowing that i can horrify people with how i look now: it's one step on from just annoying people with what i wear.

once my spots stop appearing and the old ones scab over, i'm not toxic.
but i'll still look it.

reckon i'll need a doctor's examination letter to deem me 'fit to fly' before i head to NY at the end of the month.

it's been a while since i've showed any work, anywhere.

however, i'm pleased to say i have a picture in a group show called 'wild things' at Stricola Contemporary, 3 Wooster Street, NY which launches 2nd may.
some great photographers in the show.

i'll be there in person.
looking forward to 'ducking' MMASM and animal rights attention.
