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perou vs kelly rowland

perou vs kelly rowland

(photo: me-linda davies)

up dark and breezy at 6am

DTT via salubrious gillingham, picking up ms.blench on route.

photographed beautiful AND super lovely 'kelly rowland' for something secret (till mid nov)

had a very happy time.
so good to meet and photograph someone so pleasant to all around her, who lights up a room and leaves you feeling energised.
AND to shoot for a friendly, happy client too.

got some very brief fulfilling photos.

was touched that ms.rowland said it was an honour to be photographed by me.
was very amused that she was amused by the picture of me with a mangina on my business card.

after shootings, i did something else secret (for a week or two) which was also amusing to all assembled, and which i will post here soon as i can.
(that's like a non-sentence isn't it?)

stopped at levis on regents street to pick up ms.blench some appropriate lady-wear so she can assist us thursday.

and RTF feeling buoyant.
a good day not at the office.