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the beloved

the beloved

(photo: mrs.perou)

maximum as 'mr. gum' and z as 'snufkin' for book week fancy dress day.

yet again people seemed to miss the point of BOOK week.

the level of detail on these costumes is quite splendid: the crown of bleached chicken bones on mr gum is a nice touch and the felt hat for snufkin (from the oktoberfest beer festival 2004) is pretty perfect for snufkin too.
(big props for the props: mrs.perou)
despite this, a kid with a costume bought from a supermarket won the fancy dress competition.
not quite sure what that teaches children about creativity and how it's rewarded?

despite their love of fancy dress, both sons have been fighting constantly today.
making it unpleasant to be home.


ludwig caught ANOTHER mixi-rabbit which he was carrying around (still alive) by the back foot, in his mouth with little teeth.

had to clump the dog round the ear and shoot the rabbit.

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lunch at the windshack in minnis bay with sons and dogs.

gorgeous sunny autumnal day.

on the way back from minnis bay, i said ' i need to stop and get petrol'
z said, 'i'm going to sing a song about petrol..."petrol petrol, you never have enough...."

to les and nicola's for dinner with steve, tom, mark and jo too.

lovely luvs.
we left just on the cusp of our sons about to trash les and nicola's beautiful home.
back by midnight