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still with cold, had to abandon sunday with the family in favour of DTT to location scout for a shoot on tuesday.

which should have happened earlier in the week but i was stalling because i was ill

then it should have happened on friday but i was busy being crashed into.

a gorgeous sunny day

which totally screws the location photos: heavy rain is forecast for tuesday, of course.


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private loo

private loo

drove round the back of beckton, where stanley kubrick shot much of 'full metal jacket' at the old gas works (where i got the big scar on my wrist when me and alan pike had the stupid to climb a huge collapsed chimney, without ropes one time...in 1995)

it's all gone: just a mall and an industrial estate now.

so many of my 'go to' locations for photogenic places have gone completely; the whole of east london decimated and modernised.

whole areas of unique interest reduced to a homogenised copy of 'shopping centres' or 'retail parks' all over england

very depressing.

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i'm really over this cold: because i'm NOT over this cold.

everyone i know seems to be seasonally ill.

three shoots and the bunker launch this week.

tomorrow morning i need to wake up fixed and tuesday morning i need to wake up with the sunshine in my eyes.