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under the...

under the...

boardwalk down by the sea ...foot-bridge down by the canal.

when i'm in london overnight with mr.bunny, the next morning starts with a dawg walk down the canal.

if we're lucky we'll bump into another dog walker with a friendly dog and mr.bunny can play chase and let off some steam.

this morning we meet a tiny terrier puppy who chased mr.bunny up and down a hill for about 45 minutes.
mr.bunny plays super-gently.
and i laugh the happy laughs watching these simple times.

returning to the bunker, i write an email of complaint to people at SH for the rudeness i encountered last night.
try not to go 'points of interest' loser complaining about daytime programming on the bbc.

i rarely complain about things, i never bother to write: just get it dealt with there and then.
but it was grinding so i had to...

got some new work up on www.perou.co.uk

namalee came over in the pm and took mr.bunny for another walk.

early rumours of everything changing on the industrial estate (in which the bunker sits)

the words 'you WILL move' sounding shockingly and frighteningly familiar: could lightning really strike twice in the same place?

only this time i wouldn't be at the mercy of the LDA, but a property 'syndicate'.