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always practice safe photography

always practice safe photography

it's a messy business but someone's got to do it

i'm in big sky (my second favourite studio in london) photographing james mcavoy, for the third time.

james is very easy to photograph: very giving.

the more people give, the more they get back and the quicker they get it.

finish 30mins early on a 2hr shoot AND get the good goods.

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hasselblad underwater camera housing

hasselblad underwater camera housing

RTB at speed: still driving the toe-rag, hard.

shave myself and have a shower with bunny, who was the colour and texture of cement dust on my return.

do shoot 5 of this ongoing project i'm all up in again; with natalie sharp, who does some AWESOME work.

help the tawfiq move to his new cupboard in hackney central.

neglect to take off my 'face' 

have a sit down kebabby with tawfiq and maria in anatolia (one of my 4 favourite kebab emporiums in london)

RTB again to walk mr.bunny up the tow-path

we meet three spliff smoking hoodies, looking moody, walking towards us in the twilight.

they do NOT know where to look.