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cut short

cut short

i hate having to use the camera on my iPhone (but here is a result)

and i hate insta-glam

DTT with exiled mr.bunny, who was a general pain in the ass even after a long walk (in which he disgraced himself with some swans who were having a go at some geese: just TOO exciting)

worked in ze office but for a wasted round trip to buy some seven seas zinc and a nice collar for the bunneth.

in the evening, took an emergency trip to stratford westfield for a macbook pro cable.
this isn't the first time i've been ripped off for a replacement mains lead.

this isn't the first time i remember how much i HATE HATE HATE malls and being in them.

console myself with an apple pie from M&S and RTB to cook some sausage, pasta, asparagus, and mushroom thing that would please most students.
do not sleep: i am up worrying about the lack of bookings at the bunker.
what we have is quite wonderful
but not enough people know we exist and how wonderful what we have is.

spread to the word please friends.